Generate 2D Bevel Profile for 3D Polygons
bevel_type = "angled",
bevel_start = 0,
bevel_end = 0.2,
max_height = 1,
angle = NULL,
curve_points = 50,
reverse = FALSE,
flip = FALSE,
initial_height = 0,
add_end_points = TRUE,
manual_offsets = NULL,
step_epsilon = 1e-08,
plot_bevel = FALSE,
set_minimum_zero = TRUE,
zero_offset_epsilon = 1e-05
- bevel_type
Character `angled`. Type of the bevel, one of the following options: - "circular": Creates a rounded bevel resembling a quarter-circle. - "exp": Creates an exponential curve, starting slow and accelerating. - "bump": Creates a bump-like profile, rising and falling within the coverage. - "step": Generates a step-like bevel with a flat top. - "block": Generates a block-like bevel, jumping straight to the max_height and back to the base. - "angled": Generates a straight angled bevel. You can optionally set the 'angle' parameter for this bevel. - "flat": Generates a flat area.
- bevel_start
Default `0`. The starting point of the bevel along the curve, ranges between 0 and 1.
- bevel_end
Default `0.2`. The ending point of the bevel along the curve, ranges between 0 and 1.
- max_height
Default `1`. The maximum height of the bevel, as measured from the initial height.
- angle
Default `NULL`. Optional angle parameter in degrees for angular bevels.
- curve_points
Default `50`. Number of points to plot for curve-based bevels.
- reverse
Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the curve is reversed vertically.
- flip
Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the curve is flipped horizontally.
- initial_height
Default `0`. The initial height from which the bevel starts. The bevel is rescaled to fit within the range from initial_height to max_height.
- add_end_points
Default `TRUE`. Whether to ensure there is a point at zero and a point at one.
- manual_offsets
Default `NULL`, none. This will force the bevel to add a point (interpolating between the two nearest points) at the specified offsets. This is useful when you want to add points at specific distances along the curve.
- step_epsilon
Default `1e-5`. The size for the small percentage step when using a step bevel.
- plot_bevel
Default `FALSE`. Whether to plot the bevel.
- set_minimum_zero
Default `TRUE`. Whether to offset the lowest point of the bevel so it's at zero.
- zero_offset_epsilon
Default `1e-5`. Amount to offset the bevel to ensure no self-intersection with the base.
# Generate a single bevel profile and plot it
coords = generate_bevel("circular", 0.2, 0.8, 0.2, plot_bevel = TRUE)
# Plot all bevel profiles in a grid
plot_all_bevels = function() {
oldpar = par(mfrow = c(4, 3), mai = c(0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2))
max_height = c(1,1,1,1)
types = rep(c("circular", "exp", "bump", "step", "block", "angled"),2)
reverses = c(rep(FALSE,6),rep(TRUE,6))
for(i in seq_len(length(types))) {
coords = generate_bevel(types[i], 0.2, 0.8, 1, flip = TRUE,
angle = 45, reverse = reverses[i], plot_bevel = TRUE)