All arguments are recycled to the length of the longest argument, allowing for the generation of complex and repetitive bevel patterns without manual replication of argument values.

  bevel_start = 0,
  bevel_end = 1,
  segment_height = 1,
  angle = 45,
  curve_points = 30,
  reverse = FALSE,
  flip = FALSE,
  manual_offsets = NULL,
  add_end_points = TRUE,
  plot_bevel = FALSE,
  overall_height = NA,
  set_minimum_zero = TRUE,
  zero_offset_epsilon = 1e-06



Vector of bevel types. Options are: `"circular"`, `"exp"`, `"bump"`, `"step"`, `"block"`, `"angled"`. Note that for the `"step"` type, the transition occurs at `bevel_start`.


Numeric vector of values between `0` and `1`. Percentage distance in the interior the polygon at which to begin the corresponding `bevel_type`. Note that for the `"step"` type, this is ignored.


Numeric vector of values between `0` and `1`. Percentage distance in the interior the polygon at which to end the corresponding `bevel_type`.


Numeric vector. The maximum heights of each bevel, as measured from the initial height at the end of the previous bevel.


Default `NULL`. Numeric vector. Optional angle parameter in degrees for angular bevels (overrides values in `max_height`).


Default `50`. Integer vector of number of points for each curve.


Default `FALSE`. Whether to reverse each bevel.


Default `FALSE`. Whether to reverse each bevel horizontally.


Default `NULL`, none. This will force the bevel to add a point (interpolating between the two nearest points) at the specified offsets. This is useful when you want to add points at specific distances along the curve.


Default `TRUE`. Whether to ensure there is a point at zero and a point at one.


Default `FALSE`. Whether to plot the resulting bevel.


Default `NA`. Numeric value specifying the overall height of the curve.


Default `TRUE`. Whether to offset the lowest point of the bevel so it's at zero.


Default `1e-5`. Amount to offset the bevel to ensure no self-intersection with the base.


List containing 'x' and 'y', which are the coordinates of the complex 2D bevel profile


# Generate a complex bevel profile and plot it
complex_coords = generate_complex_bevel(
  bevel_type  = c("circular", "bump", "step", "block", "angled"),
  bevel_start = c(0,   0.2, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9),
  bevel_end   = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0),
  segment_height  = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4),
  angle = 45,
  curve_points = c(50, 50, 50, 1, 1),
  reverse = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
  plot_bevel = TRUE

# Create a step function with reverses to generate a square wave pattern
complex_coords = generate_complex_bevel(
  bevel_type  = "step",
  bevel_start = head(seq(0,1,by=0.05),-1),
  bevel_end   = 1,
  segment_height  = 0.1,
  angle = 45,
  reverse = c(FALSE, TRUE),
  plot_bevel = TRUE

#Generate an increasing sawtooth pattern with angles
complex_coords = generate_complex_bevel(
  bevel_type  = "angled",
  bevel_start = head(seq(0,1,by=0.05),-1),
  bevel_end   = tail(seq(0,1,by=0.05),-1),
  segment_height  = 0.1,
  angle = c(45,30),
  reverse = c(FALSE, TRUE),
  plot_bevel = TRUE

# Create a step function to turn polygons into a ziggurat (note bevel_end is ignored)
complex_coords = generate_complex_bevel(
  bevel_type  = "step",
  bevel_start = head(seq(0,1,by=0.05),-1),
  bevel_end   = 1,
  segment_height  = 0.1,
  reverse = FALSE,
  plot_bevel = TRUE